Calling All Girl Scout Troops! 🍪
Reserve your spot to sell Girl Scout cookies outside
The Greenhouse of Walled Lake!
A few years back a bright, young entrepreneurial Girl Scout emailed us asking if she could sell her cookies out in front of The Greenhouse. It didn’t take long for word to spread, and soon the calls and emails came flooding in from others looking to do the same! We are so happy that this has turned into a tradition at The Greenhouse, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to book a day for your troop to come out and sell cookies in front of our store.
If you would like to reserve a day to sell cookies outside the Greenhouse please choose from one of the available days on the calendar below or at THIS LINK.
On the day you reserve we will provide a table and a 10x10 canopy tent to help you get set up. You should bring chairs and anything else you’ll need for comfort or to handle the weather. When you reserve a day, it’s all yours! You’re free to choose the hours you’d like to be here. We kindly ask that you email us 24 hours in advance at with your planned arrival time so we can make sure the table and canopy are ready for you.
Email us at with any questions. Thank you from everyone at The Greenhouse of Walled Lake!